How to Remember Your Dreams

I have found that by faithfully following these three steps, I remember more dream material each night.

Don’t be discouraged. It can take a few nights to begin remembering.

Step one:

Put a notebook and pen or a digital recorder beside your bed, close enough to reach without turning on the light or getting out of bed. (A digital recorder costs about $60.00 at WalMart or Future Shop)

Step two:

As you go to sleep, tell yourself to remember your dreams.

Step three:

Every time you wake up, immediately ask yourself: “Was I having a dream right now?”  Lie still and let the dream drift to the surface.  As it returns, record what you remember.

Even if you have only remembered a tiny image or fragment, write it down.  As you write, more details will come to you.


The Art of Dream Interpretation

Why are dreams important?